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  • The "Fulvic acid" secret of Soil Based Organisms (SBO) probiotics

    The beauty of the world around us dervives from the fact that in nature nothing is neither created nor destroyed but everything is transformed.

    As the famous French biologist and philosopher, Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, said « when plants or animals die, some microscopic organisms present in nature help their matter to decompose and produce different byproducts that carry a unique value »

    These byproducts are absorbed by the soil and due to their organic composition they will make up the same healthy soil providing truly unique properties. Of the various by-products offered by nature one of the most beneficial is undoubtedly fulvic acid.

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  • How to Naturally Lower Cholesterol Levels

    Cholesterol is naturally found in our body and is mainly produced in the liver; it is therefore important to keep the liver as clean as possible with detoxification and regeneration methods - Epsom salts, coffee enemas and so on.

    Cholesterol is necessary for digestion, membrane integrity, vitamin D production and for nerve health. Hormones like: estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and other stress hormones require cholesterol to be produced by the body.

    Cholesterol is  part of the cellular structure and cell membranes. Research has also demonstrated the protective role of cholestrol against infections and atherosclerosis.

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  • The Importance of pH and a Consistent Detoxification

    According to a recent report drawn up by John Hopkins University, almost half of the American population suffers at least of a chronic illness and these numbers are increasing day by day. Unfortunately, we are not just talking about the elderly  but  also about children who, for about 15% are suffering from chronic illnesses.

    Today there are millions of young people suffering from diabetes, asthma, developmental disorders, cancer and countless other disorders. As we said before, these numbers grow and in order to understand it you can just look at some data. In 2000, more than 20 million people were diagnosed with one or more chronic diseases compared to the number initially envisaged in 1996.

    It is estimated that by 2020, 25% of the American population will be affected by multiple chronic illnesses with the associated management costs that will reach $ 1.070 billion.

    The number of people with chronic illness, an increase from 125 million in 2000 to 171 million in 2030 is expected. In Europe, the situation is very similar, especially in the more developed countries.

    According to experts, the underying problem is due to a non optimal body condition and therefore to the internal and the external environment: extracellular fluids , saliva, urine and the body systems.

    In other words if the ph is altered it will leads to various type of health conditions.

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  • The Extraordinary Benefits of Cold Showers

    Taking a cold shower every day can seem terrifying to those who have never done it  whereas a veteran enjoys the experience so much that he may no longer take hot showers!

    The practice of cold showering is rooted in the tradition of different nations and has gone through different periods.
    Russian, Finnish, Thai, Korean, Japanese and many other populations have practiced it and still practice cold showering; although it may sound like a ritual  there is a lot more to it.

    Indeed, many are the benefits that you can get (here and here some scientific support) when embracing this ancient practice. For those who decide to get aquainted with this practice our advice would be to take a step at a time. Begin with the usual warm shower and finish with 5 seconds of cold water on the whole body.

    As the weeks go by you will slowly get to two minutes or more up to the point of using only cold water (you will still have benefits even if you do not give up hot water completely ).

    It is important not to rush into it but to slowly get used to the temperature change in order to avoid any problems.

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  • The Forgotten Sexual Gland in Men

    When a man realizes he has erection problems the first thing he would generally do is to ask his doctor for that famous "blue pill", Viagra,  which appears to be the miracle for all evil.

    Unfortunately or fortunately it is not like that as viagra is just a temporary fix which will increase blood flow to the penis and therefore facilitate the erection.
    But there is a much more important factor when it comes to sexual performance and blood flow: it is undoubtedly the prostate.

    This gland is a bit like 'the nerve center" that triggers everything that revolves around men's sexual performance. A study carried out on the prostate and sexual performance pointed out a correlation between the two which led the entire scientific community speechless.

    According to this study, men who undergo prostate surgery suffer serious sexual repercussions  which leads to worse performances in the bedroom. The finding shows that over 50% of men who have had prostate surgery endure serious sexual difficulties.

    This study has also shown that a small percentage of these men would still be able to have sex but would no longer reach orgasms; only less than 5% claimed that their sexual activity had remained unaffected. 

    According to all this we can now understand how the prostate gland should be considered a fundamental element; it is therefore not sufficient to only increase blood supply to the penis but we need to have a full functional prostate. 

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  • Stress and Dietary Habits

    People who are stressed will usually have a quite particular relationship with food and they can be divided in two different categories: people belonging to the first one will overeat in order to calm down, whereas people who fall into the second one will literally lose their appetite and interest in food.

    Let's start from the first category which regroups people who eat in excess trying to calm down and release some of the "stress".

    In this case, the choice will always fall on starchy carbohydrates because of their fast-acting effects which immediately produce endorphins to the brain. Endorphins regulate our mood and have the ability to give us pleasure, gratification and happiness, helping us to better withstand stress. 

    As we can imagine, overcoming the lack of endorphins and other neurotransmitters in the brain with high glycemic foods will increase body weight and worsening the problem in the long run.

    Those who fall into the second category that was mentioned earlier, will have hunger cravings overtime leading to systematically skip meals. If you fall into either of these categories there is certainly something that can help you balance your diet.

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  • The 3 Natural Substances for Thyroid Support

    Very often people feel tired for no particular reason, have lapses in concentration, memory gaps and weight gain despite their diet remains unchanged.

    If all this happens, then you might be suffering from a very common syndrome which affects the thyroid gland: hypothyroidism.

    Thyroid dysfunction is one of the most common diagnoses and according to the data held it affects many people around the world.

    A drug called Eutirox is often prescribed to thyroid sufferers. 

    This medication delivers synthetic hormones produced in the lab to the patient who has a thyroid dysfunction and therefore cannot produce them but it causes a number of really annoying side effects.

    Among them I can list a few: headaches, excessive sweating, diarrhea, hair loss, rash, weight gain or loss, mood swings, and heart palpitations.

    Statistics show that 80% percent of the thyroids is not working properly and the main cause is low hormone level or hypothyroidism.

    Unfortunately, thyroid disorders can often go unnoticed because the symptoms are attributable to a variety of other disorders. Some people tend to consider some bothersome symptoms like a normal signal due to aging  and therefore do not take them into account.

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  • Heavy Metals Toxicity - What Can I Do?

    Some metals are naturally present in the body and are essential for our health. For example iron prevents anemia and zinc is a cofactor in over 100 enzymatic reactions. These metals have low levels of concentration and they are called. "trace metals". In high doses they can be toxic to the body and produce shortages of other trace metals.

    A classic example is having too much zinc, which is often accompanied by a copper deficiency.

    The heavy metals are trace metals with a density at least five times higher than  water. This density makes them become stable elements that cannot be be metabolized, and bio-accumulative (which accumulate in the body).

    Among them we can include Cadmium, Lead, Mercury, aluminium, antimony, arsenic, tin, thallium, uranium, nickel, platinum, copper (the metal version and not the ion required by the body). Heavy metals have no beneficial function in the body and can be extremely toxic.

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