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prostate sexual gland

  • The Forgotten Sexual Gland in Men

    When a man realizes he has erection problems the first thing he would generally do is to ask his doctor for that famous "blue pill", Viagra,  which appears to be the miracle for all evil.

    Unfortunately or fortunately it is not like that as viagra is just a temporary fix which will increase blood flow to the penis and therefore facilitate the erection.
    But there is a much more important factor when it comes to sexual performance and blood flow: it is undoubtedly the prostate.

    This gland is a bit like 'the nerve center" that triggers everything that revolves around men's sexual performance. A study carried out on the prostate and sexual performance pointed out a correlation between the two which led the entire scientific community speechless.

    According to this study, men who undergo prostate surgery suffer serious sexual repercussions  which leads to worse performances in the bedroom. The finding shows that over 50% of men who have had prostate surgery endure serious sexual difficulties.

    This study has also shown that a small percentage of these men would still be able to have sex but would no longer reach orgasms; only less than 5% claimed that their sexual activity had remained unaffected. 

    According to all this we can now understand how the prostate gland should be considered a fundamental element; it is therefore not sufficient to only increase blood supply to the penis but we need to have a full functional prostate. 

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