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food and stress

  • Stress and Dietary Habits

    People who are stressed will usually have a quite particular relationship with food and they can be divided in two different categories: people belonging to the first one will overeat in order to calm down, whereas people who fall into the second one will literally lose their appetite and interest in food.

    Let's start from the first category which regroups people who eat in excess trying to calm down and release some of the "stress".

    In this case, the choice will always fall on starchy carbohydrates because of their fast-acting effects which immediately produce endorphins to the brain. Endorphins regulate our mood and have the ability to give us pleasure, gratification and happiness, helping us to better withstand stress. 

    As we can imagine, overcoming the lack of endorphins and other neurotransmitters in the brain with high glycemic foods will increase body weight and worsening the problem in the long run.

    Those who fall into the second category that was mentioned earlier, will have hunger cravings overtime leading to systematically skip meals. If you fall into either of these categories there is certainly something that can help you balance your diet.

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